High School and Beyond Plan Resources


ASVAB - go to www.asvabprogram.com enter your access code, enter your top 3 interest categories to review your results

http://checkoutacollege.com/explorecareers/interestsurvey.aspx or http://www.careerbridge.wa.gov/ career interest survey, based on interests shows possible careers and can research which schools have them.

CareerOneStop Interest Surveyhttps://www.careeronestop.org/GetMyFuture/Toolkit/interest-assessment.aspx

30 question survey to find careers that fit your interest


http://dlr.sd.gov/lmic/pdfs_and_other_files/cwonders_interest_survey.pdf This survey will connect general interests with career clusters.

http://www.act.org/world/world.html if you have taken any ACT's assessments, you can refer to your personalized report and world of work map for suggested career areas.

IV. BUDGET: Check out scholarships and scholarship searches on the Inchelium Webpage under the Counseling and Guidance tab and click on scholarships. Scholarship Information Tab

VI: POSTSECONDARY APPLICATION: Apply directly online to Washington State Schools. Go to our Counseling and Guidance tab and click on college applications. College Applications Tab or Use www.CheckOutACollege.com (for community and technical college) or www.CollegeBoard.org (for four-year college) to identify at least one postsecondary program that sounds interesting to you.

VII. RESUME/ACTIVITY LOG: see activity sheet on our webpage under student resources tab. Activity List Template To see examples of high school student resumes go to http://jobsearch.about.com/od/sampleresume1/a/high-school-resume-examples.htm